Plugins List

Plugins List

Active Plugins

404 to 301 - Redirect, Log and Notify 404 Errors - 3.1.4 - (Joel James)
Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection - 5.3.6 - (Automattic - Anti-spam Team)
All in One SEO - 4.7.9 - (All in One SEO Team)
A WP Life Themes Companion - 1.4.5 - (A WP Life)
CatFolders Document Gallery - 2.0.0 - (CatFolders)
CatFolders Lite - WP Media Folders - 2.4.7 - (CatFolders)
Contact Form Block - 1.0.2 - (Jordy Meow)
CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent - 3.2.8 - (CookieYes)
Database Cleaner - 1.1.9 - (Jordy Meow)
Duplicate Page - 4.5.4 - (mndpsingh287)
Duplicator - - (Duplicator)
Google Analytics WordPress Plugin by GA4WP - 2.7.0 - (Passionate Brains)
Gutenverse Form - 1.1.9 - (Jegstudio)
Health Check & Troubleshooting - 1.7.1 - (The community)
Indicate External Links - 1.1.0 - (cubecolour)
Loginizer - 1.9.8 - (Softaculous)
Mail logging - WP Mail Catcher - 2.1.10 - (James Ward)
Performance Lab - 3.9.0 - (WordPress Performance Team)
Plugins List - 2.7 - (David Artiss)
Security.txt Manager - 1.0.2 - (HandyPlugins)
Show Me The Cookies - 1.0 - (Jay Versluis)
Simple History - 5.6.1 - (Pär Thernström)
SMTP Mailer - 1.1.17 - (naa986)
Wordfence Assistant - 1.0.10 - (Wordfence)
Wordfence Security - 8.0.3 - (Wordfence)
WordPress Importer - 0.8.3 - (wordpressdotorg)
WP Add Mime Types - 3.1.1 - (Kimiya Kitani)
WP Custom Admin Interface - 7.37 - (Martin Gibson)
WPDB to Sql - 1.2 - (Niket Joshi - Ecodeblog)

[plugins_number active=true inactive=false] (in total)

Inactive Plugins

GDPR Compliant ReCaptcha for all forms - 3.7.3 - (Matthias Nordwig)
Gutentor - Gutenberg Blocks - Page Builder for Gutenberg Editor - 3.4.6 - (Gutentor)
Simple Maintenance - 1.0.4 - (naa986)
Tableberg - 0.5.9 - (Tableberg)
Templateberg - Gutenberg Templates, WordPress Themes Template Kits & WordPress Templates - 1.1.9 - (templateberg)

[plugins_number active=false inactive=true] (in total)